

Thank you so much for taking a moment to find out more about the Business Networking group I’m creating. This is something I’ve been thinking of doing for a good while but then the pandemic somewhat put the kibosh on it all. Now that Face To Face Business Networking is starting to re-establish I think it’s time to make it happen.

Now, there’s nothing concrete at this stage but here’s what I’ve got so far

• It’ll be based in Tiptree, Colchester – yes, where that jam comes from.
• Face to face in-person Networking
• Monthly – to begin with at least but I was thinking to offer something of a drop-in fortnightly Zoom call. Not sure of the structure but the idea was to enable member’s to keep in touch + keep top-of-mind with one another. Just an idea!
• Not a BNI (just in case you’re wondering, I wanted to quash any doubts on that right now*)
• Totally independent and will be run by me, myself and I. I want to call it MagNET but my wife isn’t so keen on the name. I think it’s great but we’ll work on that!
• A happy blend of the best elements of Networking I’ve enjoyed over my 15 odd years of Networking with various brands/franchises & independents both big and small.
• Probably 90 minutes as that seems to be the sweet spot for such meetings
• Hot food served & decent parking
• Things to learn and takeaway via presentations from both members as well as guest presenters.

These are all things that I’ve found very popular when it comes to Networking groups. Given it’s shiny and new it is my hope that any feedback on meetings received can be used to shape the group into a really really great one for and by it’s members – and that I think is pretty special given so many groups out there are fixed in their ways.

So if you want to be kept in the loop on developments, here’s the form – no payment details required! – and I’ll be in touch. And of course this wont go into a mailing list, only direct & personalised emails from me to you. I’d say “handwritten” but that’s not technically accurate but you get the idea!

Wishing you and your business all the best,




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